In many ways, kids are more deeply affected by the dramatic changes going on all around us than anyone. Every day there seem to be tons of new recommendations for activities, homeschooling techniques, and helping them cope psychologically that are helpful and can also be a bit overwhelming for both parents and kids. In times of greater stress and change, it’s important for any response to start with our physical health and wellbeing. This is the foundation that has to be strong before we can dive into the virtual zoo tours, daily class schedules, and expert-crafted reading lists. Keeping kids engaged in these ways is essential, but focusing on their physical health is not only beneficial for them but for the whole household. We all know the unique challenge of living with stir-crazy, stressed kiddos. So for everyone’s sake, picking up a few simple and very effective tools from the plant world is key. Plants offer safe, non-toxic, gentle solutions for managing stress, calming nerves, managing energy, supporting restful sleep, and enhancing focus. The key to how effective a remedy will be is how likely your child is to take it willingly. Very often, these plant remedies are also the most cost-effective and pleasant additions to the lifestyle and remain essential with or without a global crisis.

Chamomile tea

Lavender Essential Oil

Orange Essential Oil

Passionflower glycerite

Green Tea